Cloning Webquest

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Geography and Religion

Today we talked about different religions around the world. Remember to thoroughly research the religion that was given to your group. Find out where the religion was founded and where it was most prominent during ancient civilizations. We will be comparing the distribution of the religions with how they are distributed today. From this information be prepared to make predictions about the spread of religion in the future. Here is a website to help you researh your religion. Then find a map of where your religion was distributed and print it from this website.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Halloween Superstitions

This tells some of the superstitions that go with Halloween.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Welcome to 4th Grade!

Welcome students are parents. I am really excited to get to know each and everyone of you this year. We will be starting out kind of slow. This week we will be reviewing what you know and learning out routine for our class. Each day for about ten minutes in the morning and ten minutes in the afternoon we will be going outside to observe the weather. As we begin to see different weather we will learn about clouds (cumulus, cirris, and stratus). Through our observations we will learn how to determine simple weather patterns and make predictions. For math we will be reviewing what we learned in third grade so we can progress into working with whole numbers and decimals. We will also be writing stories from our summer vacations, we will write a rough draft, then a final draft with illustrations. If there are any questions or comments please feel free to email, call, or send a note with your child. I will do everything I can to help. Thank you for all you do.
Mrs. Frampton

The Big Bang Theory

We've been talking about the beginning of the universe so here is a video to watch. Write down three questions while watching.